Enter values for an Yxy to convert it to Cmy, or vice versa.
The Yxy color space expresses the Xyz color space in a different way, in terms of only x and y coordinates which allows for a 2d representation.
Cmy is frequenty associated with color printing, and it's determined by the relation of colors cyan, magenta and yellow. Unlike Rgb, cmy is subtractive, meaning that higher values are associated with darker colors rather than light.
If you're into color, color theory or design you should definitely check out the award winning Nix Color Sensor. It really is a game changing tool!
All calculations were doing using the open source ColorMine library.
The code used for the Yxy and Cmy conversions can be found on Github:
var yxy = new Yxy();
var cmy = yxy.To<Cmy>();
Color conversions performed using the open source ColorMine library.
If you're into color, color theory or design you should definitely check out the award winning Nix Color Sensor. It really is a game changing tool.